If you have had a cancer diagnosis and need to get fit before you start treatment then either personal training or a class will be suitable. It really depends on your current level of activity. I can help find a suitable class for you if you are not sure where to look.
If you have had surgery you should wait at least 4 weeks before you start any physical activity.
If you have started your treatment and you have a lowered immune system then I would recommend personal training so you only come into contact with one person rather than a class of people.
If you have started or completed your treatment and you just want to get a bit more active and you would prefer something a bit more sociable with other like-minded people then you should come and have a go at one of my relaxed and friendly Cancer Rehab classes:
Phoenix Resource Centre, Newtown Road, Newbury,
Thursday 10.45 - 11.30am First class free then £6.50 pay as you go
Nuffield Health Club, Green Park, Reading
Thursday 1 - 2pm First class free then £5 pay as you go
Personal Training or Classes,
what’s right for you?